About Us Love Laughter Happiness Alpacas
From the shores of the Swabian Sea...

Julia was born on 5th October 1997 and grew up in the Lake of Constance region in Southern Germany. She was an only child but that didn’t mean she only took as much work as one child.
She has always been an ambitious little lady: at 9 years old, she decided that she wanted to learn Japanese and started to attend evening classes intended for grown-ups.
Skipping a school year and later attending a fancy-looking school in England, she pursued her love of linguistics at universities in Konstanz, Edinburgh, Essex, York, and Zurich, finishing with a PhD in Psycholinguistics on 30th November 2023.
Her entrepreneurial spirit never ceased and she is constantly jumping on new projects and things to learn. Like business, webdesign, sewing, stock trading, and dancing. Other times she is also lazy, however, and plays video games for hours without break.
Her best friends have entered her life from the different places she has been to and projects she was taken part in. She loves spending time with them, for instance, to have a little chit-chat with some ice cream by the lake.
Julia is an energetic and driven little lady, a fun and enthusiastic friend and loving partner, who won’t let you tell her „no“. She has a particular love for housework (what Sam calls „making up problems that weren’t there before“) and little DIY projects.
...and the valleys of sun-filled Ticino...
Samuele was born on 9th September 1994 and grew up in Losone, a small town next to Locarno, in Ticino, Switzerland. He has a sister, Sarah-Jane, who is four years younger than him. He enjoyed a quiet childhood and spent his early years playing games with his sister in the garden next to their house or reading fantasy novels.
In his teenage years and young adulthood, he enjoyed partying a lot. Some nights he would have left for a party at 11 pm and would only come back home at 6 am. Some of his best friendships stem from this period, like Patrick, Romolo, and Eliseo, among others. They are still inseparable to this day.
After finishing his matura, he moved to Zurich to study Biomedicine. He finished his Bachelor’s in 2017, his Master’s in 2019, and his Ph.D. on 8th July 2022. During his studies, Martina joined the ranks of his best friends as they supported each other through the ups and downs of university life.
With his move to Zurich, this energy has increasingly drained from his body. By the time he finished his Ph.D., he was in bed by 10.30 pm. He often reminisces on his party days and enjoys going to the occasional wine night with his best friends. But he has since found solace in his oversized couch, his PlayStation 5, his Netflix subscription, and a little lady waiting for him at their home every day when he gets back from work.
Samuele is a calm and collected man, a loyal and reliable friend and loving partner, who convinces with his Swiss diplomacy and his Ticinese charm.

... they have become one.

Forever begins now...
„What are you looking for in your partner?“ – to Julia, the answer was crystal clear: „Someone who matches my energy. That way, life is just easier.“ Sam replied: „I also do a PhD, love gaming on the couch, and would be on board with your alpaca farm“. OK, it’s settled then. Julia packed a suitcase bound for Zurich and pretty much just stayed there. Sam didn’t complain.
Following a romantic candlelit dinner on Valentine’s Day, it was official: To Sam’s question whether she would like to be his girlfriend, Julia replied a happy „mhm-mhm“. They were now dating! Returning home, Julia told everyone: This is it! This is the one I’m going to marry! The picture was taken following the dinner on the 14th February.

The Engagement
On September 10, 2022, we reached new heights – quite literally: First, I surprised Sam with a flight for this birthday, which was the day before. But then the pilot surprised me by letting Sam take over the controls. Oh dear! We almost died.
Afterward, we took a cable car to Monte Tamaro. Upon arrival, he escorted me to a lookout platform, played „Marry Me Juliet,“ expressed his love for me in Italian, got down on one knee, and asked me to marry him. Naturally, my response was a joyous „mhm-mhm“, again.
What are your favourite things to do, Julia?

Work on Things!
And when I run out of things to work on, I just invent new ones. Like a new website.

We like to pet goaties, look at sheepies, feed duckies, …

Crafting Things
Where there is a crafting opportunity, there is a Julia.

Ice Cream Dates
Preferably with good friends, next to the lake and involving a dotty dress.

Making new friends
Here I’m making friend with my neighbour and milk provider Rosalie.

I like to try things and blame Sam when it goes wrong.

My favs are the Assassins‘ Creed ones and Age of Empires.

… in dotty dresses, preferably.
What are your favourite things to do, Sam?

… and watching Steve do things for me. He is a good boy.

More nothing
But in the sun.

Being with Julia
… and doing nothing.

(Even) more nothing
But in the sun on an inflatable donut in a pool.

My favourites are fantasy novels with dragons, wizards or vampires.

I try to keep them alive.

I’m here if you want to discuss anything that has feathers …

Mini Dragons
… or scales.
What are your favourite things to do together?

Eat (and cook)
Here, Sam made a huge lasagna which took us a week to finish.

Bothering Sam
… and getting him to do things with me.

Supporting Julia
in doing… whatever she is doing.

Supporting more
even if that means learning how to stick things…

More support...
even if she has an appendicitis on the 3rd date…

We go for a spa day once per month.

Walks in Nature
Especially when there are animals to see, feed or pet.

Face Masks
Become zen.

Going Places
… in dotty dresses, preferably.

= cuddles. We like to put on our comfies and be cosy.