Thank you for your interest in my alpaca page.

I wholeheartedly appreciate your visit on this page, which I assume must mean you – like me – are somewhat intrigued by the magically fluffy creature that is the vicugna pacos.

I have to disappoint you slightly, however: Alpacas don’t actually have anything to do with the wedding itself. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find an alpaca I could legally marry.

So, Sam’s had to do.

But I love alpacas lots. And I won’t leave any opportunity to tell you about my love for them untouched.

Oh, there’s a page that still needs some original content?

Oh, I wonder what we could use all of this wonderful empty white space for…

Buckle up, you’re in for a ride. 😎

Meet my crew.

What better place to start than with my personal alpaca team. Each of its members offers first class support: be it in the form of a cuddly sleeping buddy, a relieving stress ball, a potty-trained pet substitute, a world-class secretary, a trendy piece of decoration, a patient psychologist, a vigilant guard dog, a creative mind and many more.  


Margret is the alpaca eldest. She is elegant and wise. She gets lots of love. Sometimes I have to hold back so I don’t ruin her alpine white fur.


Andrea is my little tomboy. She is very confident. And a bit silly.

Pomelo Roberto

Pomelo is cuddly, but his presence (and fluff) really fills the room. Don’t mess with him or he will fluffocate you.


Lily-Anne is my secretary and keeper of order. She organises my to-do list and makes sure I stick to it. She is like a diligent 50s office woman.


Lorelei is supporting Lily-Anne in the day-to-day office life. She is Lily-Anne’s creative counterpart and brings in all the wild ideas.


Mona is Andrea’s sister. She is very creative and has too many ideas to be able to sleep at night.


Marzia is an outdoor spirit: she loves the forest, leaves and whatever else is out there… I wouldn’t know – I’m creating a website instead.


Amadeo is my driving buddy. I don’t like driving on my own. So sometimes I like to put him on the shotgun seat to give me company.


Einstein lives on the couch. Secretly, he is also a mad scientist and is working on alpaca space travel.


Albertino is Einstein’s son and lives on the couch with him. He’s a child-alpaca prodigy.


Otti is our travelpaca. She comes with on all of our holidays. She has been named after my great-grandma, who was called Ottilie Pinkel.


Wanda is Margret’s alpaca baby. She has the softest fur of all of them and she is so precious.


Quinnie is Wanda’s sister and she looks like an otter baby. She is very attached like an otter baby.


Valerie is Lily-Anne’s sister and is the sleeping one  of them (Lily-Anne is always working).


Bubeli is a gentle boy whose hair has started to grey a bit because of living with his sisters and me.

not yet named

??? is a fashionista. He makes sure everything in our apartment has style. We’re sorry you have to leave. ??? thinks your clothes are so last season!


Maple is part of the bedroom team. She looks like Linda, but like maple syrup has been poured over her.


Linda is Maple’s sister.  They are both very gentle  and soft.


Alfred was named after the Age of Empires cheat unit  „Alfred the Alpaca“ and reminds me to play video games.


Cherry lives on the couch in my home office, and with her vibrant colour manages to make boring things fun.

Miss Cuddles

Miss Cuddles came into my life in 2014. She’s supported me through many years and ups and downs.

Ernesto Vespucci

… or „Pucci“, for short, is a retired explorer. Nowadays, he spends most days (and nights) on my pillow and enjoys the occasional belly rub.

Bernardo Vespucci

… or „Baby Pucci“, for short, is Pucci’s son. He has  not yet retired from exploration and  often joins us  on short travels.

Floppity Boppity

Originally envisioned to be *my* cuddly toy, Sam „lowkey“ fell in love with his floppity ears and his boppity butt.


Minnie’s mission was to have have Floppity returned. But both bunnies now live on Sam’s side. 

Oops, sorry, don't mind us...
Seems like we got a little lost.

My Alpacas And I

My love for alpacas goes back a long time. Probably 2013, which was when a proper alpaca hype started globally. Before then, the alpaca was more of a mystical, magical creature (it still is) that nobody really knew about.

The craze really began when toy manufacturer AMUSE started selling „alpacassos“. I was really into „kawaii“ (Japanese cute stuff) culture in my teenage years and everyone talked about them then. I really wanted one. And so, when I went to a Japanese cultural fair in London in December 2014, and the place was packed fullll with alpaca toys, I got my first alpaca: Miss Cuddles.

I had actually found out that she was a fake, and was not from the original AMUSE brand. But that didn’t matter to me anymore. She had become my best friend. She was with me when I finished highschool, when I first moved out of my parents‘ place, when I finished my bachelors, during very difficult times in Edinburgh during my masters… Up to when I had to leave her behind in England during the first corona lockdown. I was devastated: she had always been there when I needed a cuddle or someone to cry onto.

So then I had Margret enter my life and I was soo happy. Though in the first night I was actually reluctant to hold her tight in my arms. With her white fur she looked so elegant and pure and unspoilt that I didn’t want to dirty it with any sweat, drool or tears. I’m proud (?) to say that after a day or two we have got past that, we have bonded, and we’ve had to take a shower or two since that day.

In the four years that followed…  the alpaca collection maaay have gotten a little out of hand, such that we now have … a lot … of alpacas. Please don’t get us any more or we will have to move house.

Alpacas - why they are simply the best.

In the unlikely scenario that you are not yet an alpaca fan (most unlikely especially after seeing my lovely alpaca crew) – let me make you one now.

Alpacas are fantastic. So fantastic, I have dedicated an entire page to them on this website.

They are so fluffy. They have the softest fur you will ever touch.

They have the perfect cuddling shape. Just put your arm around their neck and hold them close.

They are super hygenic. They have a toilet. Stuffed ones don’t even need to go at all.

You can get cruelty-free stuffed toys. Inkari makes lovely alpaca toys with real alpaca fur.

They are friendly. They immediately cheer you up! Try being upset when you see one.

My fiancé Sam is also OK I guess.

Alpaca awesomeness in action:

Lily-Anne and Lorelei discussing the alpaca page: Lily-Anne calls for structure, Lorelei for ANARCHY.