... and (a little) unemployed.
After 3.5 years of painstaking lab work – involving hundreds of dead mice – Sam has successfully defended his PhD thesis on th 8th of July 2022.
In his PhD, he investigated the role of a thing on another thing which will help some fat people die of something other than heart failure. I think that’s what it was about, anyway. Look it up yourself if you really want (it’s not for the general audience).
On the day, our family went to see him do his presentation at the University Hospital of the University of Zurich. I recognized the place because it’s where I had my appendectomy #goodtimes.
While he was alone with his examiners, the rest of us set up a buffet of all the yumsies I had prepared in advance. I was told my chocolate cake was so good that it even made some people put on a hold on their diets.
In the gallery you will find pictures of the freshly baked doctor with his fancy new hat that his colleagues have made him.
After the reception, the family and some friends went home to have a BBQ.